Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery

There are a variety of cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries available to pets and most can improve a pet’s quality of life. In offering reconstructive and cosmetic surgeries, our goals are to improve pet health and strengthen the bond between pet and owner. Our skilled surgeons offer the following procedures to enable your pets to live life comfortably.

Common cosmetic and restorative procedures:

  • Declawing – Declawing can be medically necessary if tumors exist or the claw is injured and not repairable, but it is primarily an elective procedure. Usually pet owners opt to have their feline declawed to prevent scratching, or elderly pet owners decide on the surgery because their health status could not support exposure to the bacteria in the claws..
  • Oral Surgery – Occasionally a pet’s breathing difficulties are a combination of airway restriction in the nostrils, mouth, and throat. In these instances, surgery can be performed on the soft palate and larynx, restoring the pet’s ability to breathe well. Other oral surgeries are performed on pets suffering from severe dental problems that may affect the pet’s health and cause pain, including tooth decay, exposed dentin, severe periodontal disease, and cracked or chipped teeth.
  • Orthodontics – Pet orthodontics is an entirely elective procedure that helps realign crooked teeth and misaligned bites. Some pets do not have the “scissor bite” (lower canines that intersect upper canines and lateral incisors), which can lead to serious periodontal disease and can cause excruciating pain. As a result, traditional metal braces can be affixed to the teeth to properly align the bite. If caught prior to losing baby teeth, the adult teeth can be surgically straightened to prevent orthodontic problems.
  • Tail docking – Like ear cropping, tail docking is a cosmetic surgery applied when a pet owner wants their pet to meet the breed standard. It is usually performed when the puppy is 2 to 5 days old.
  • Skin fold reduction – Used to lessen the amount of skin folds on the face, tail, back, and vulva to prevent skin infections. Most breeds that have an excess of wrinkles such as Bloodhounds, Pugs, and Shar Peis are more prone to skin infections and parasites that breed in warm, moist places. Skin folds are the perfect climate for these infections to breed. Utilizing surgery or Botox, a pet’s skin folds can be reduced, making them less susceptible to infection.

Remember what cosmetic surgery involves…

Reconstructive surgeries are often medically necessary when they are determined by the veterinarian to be the best option in restoring a pet’s health and well-being. Comparatively, a cosmetic surgery is elective and entirely up to a pet owner. We do perform a complete physical before allowing your pet to undergo any surgical procedure. If you desire a cosmetic surgery for your pet, please take into account the risks of anesthesia before deciding that the surgery is right for you both.

If you have any questions regarding reconstructive or cosmetic surgeries, please contact our office.


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